Technical Seminar on Advanced Architectures and Components for Next-Generation TCMS

On 21st of January 2020, the Safe4RAIL-2 and CONNECTA-2 consortium met in Brussels, Belgium in order to present the project’s mid-term results on advanced architectures and components for next-generation TCMS to interested stakeholders. The technical seminar was organized as a joint event between the Call-for-Member (CFM) project CONNECTA-2 (826098, www.s2r-connecta.eu) and its complementary action project Safe4RAIL-2 and welcomed participants from railway technology suppliers and manufacturers, safety experts, and authorities as well as academic participants in the domain of train control and communication systems.

More specifically, the aim of this technical seminar was to provide a detailed overview on the Next-Generation TCMS (NG-TCMS) solutions that are being developed in Safe4RAIL-2 and CONNECTA-2 projects. The results obtained in the 1st year of these projects were presented, including first prototypes of NG-TCMS equipment. Technical presentations and talks were centralized around key technologies for NG-TCMS, such as Drive-by-Data, Functional Distribution Framework, and Wireless TCMS. The validation of these technologies in Urban and Regional trains as well as Simulation Frameworks were detailed also.


Executive projects



Date & Time

Tuesday, 21st of January, 2020, 900 - 1545 (CET)


Avenue du Boulevard 17
B-1210 Brussels, Belgium

Materials & Presentations

Slot   Topic   Presenter   Download
#1   Keynote: Next-Generation TCMS: a Shift2Rail Perspective
Next-Generation TCMS is one of the biggest challenges within Shift2Rail’s activities. In this talk, advances from the current TCMS to the Next-Generation TCMS were detailed from the perspective of Shift2Rail JU.
  Giorgio Travaini (Shift2Rail)   No presentation available
#2   CONNECTA-2 and Safe4RAIL-2 Projects
Structure and main goals of CONNECTA-2 and Safe4RAIL-2 projects were presented, which are essential tools for the development of NG-TCMS.
  Igor Lopez (CAF, Coordinator of CONNECTA-2),
Aitor Arriola (IKERLAN)
  [ PDF, CONNECTA-2, 1.62 MB ]
[ PDF, Safe4RAIL-2, 1.33 MB ]
#3   Drive-by-Data
Drive-by-Data, based on Time Sensitive Network (TSN), is a key technology for obtaining deterministic communications in the Next-Generation Train Communication Network (NG-TCN).
  Gernot Hans (Bombardier Transportation),
Mohammed Abuteir (TTTech)
  [ PDF, 2.10 MB ]
#4   Functional Distribution Framework and Application Profiles
The specifications and architecture of the Functional Distribution Framework (FDF) were described, as the basic middleware for integration of train subsystems in NG-TCMS. Application profiles of these subsystems were detailed as well.
  Thomas Waschulzik (Siemens),
Martin Zauner (Liebherr),
Xabier Artaetxebarria (CAF)
  [ PDF, 2.73 MB ]
#5   Application of NG-TCMS in Urban and Regional Trains & Simulation Framework
The results obtained for NG-TCMS were validated in urban and regional train demonstrators. Simulation architectures to perform Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) and Software-In-the-Loop (SIL) validations were deployed as well.
  Gernot Hans (Bombardier Transportation),
Thomas Waschulzik (Siemens),
Imanol De Arriba (CAF)
  [ PDF, Urban Demo, 1.51 MB ]
[ PDF, Regional Demo, 1.67 MB ]
#6   Wireless TCMS at Backbone and Consist Levels
In NG-TCMS, wireless technologies were introduced in the train backbone to improve flexibility and allow novel applications. The architecture and wireless technologies for the Wireless Train Backbone (WLTB) were described.
Wireless links were introduced at consist level as well, creating a Wireless Consist Network (WLCN). Architecture and technologies of this WLCN were detailed as well.
The integration of these on-board communication systems with the Train-to-Ground (T2G) link were analyzed as well.
  Igor Lopez (CAF),
Jérôme Härri (EURECOM)
  [ PDF, 2.58 MB ]
#7   NG-TCMS Prototypes (Demo Session)
First results of NG-TCMS technologies were presented.
  Jean-Marc Olivier (MOXA),
Jérôme Härri, Julio Manco (EURECOM),
Christoph Müller (Bosch Engineering)
  [ PDF, Test of IEC-61375, 2.22 MB ]
[ PDF, WLTB Demo, 0.96 MB ]
[ PDF, FDF Demo, 2.18 MB ]
#8   Cross-IP Adoption and Standardization of NG-TCMS Activities
NG-TCMS results from Shift2Rail Innovation Programme 1 (IP1) are strongly linked with on-going activities in other Shift2Rail IPs, such as IP2 (Advanced Traffic Management & Control Systems). In addition to this, connection with standardization bodies will also be a key aspect for the deployment of NG-TCMS.
  Javier Goikoetxea (CAF)   [ PDF, 1.01 MB ]
#9   Closing Remarks and Future Steps on NG-TCMS
NG-TCMS results presented in this seminar were summarized and future activities of Shift2Rail JU in this direction detailed.
  Igor Lopez (CAF)   [ PDF, 1.12 MB ]

Pictures & Impressions

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